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Recall for Cilantro and Parsley Sold in New York With Salmonella

A recent Associated Press news story on reports that Boncheff Greenhouses Inc. sold several batches of herbs that may have been contaminated by salmonella. The Canadian company, based in Toronto, may have distributed tainted cilantro, curly parsley, and flat leaf Italian parsley through multiple grocery market chains in several New York municipalities, as well as Erie, Pennsylvania. The herbs were sold during the last two weeks in December of 2010, and Boncheff has offered refunds for customers who return any of the affected packages to their place of purchase. Thankfully, there have been no reported cases of salmonella linked to the herbs.

The threat of salmonella is very real, and while the illness is hazardous to adults, it can be fatal both for children and those with depleted immune systems. Unfortunately, the presence of salmonella has not been removed from all the food we buy from our local grocer, and this news story serves as a reminder that contaminated food makes its way onto store shelves despite the best efforts of companies and regulatory agencies. While you cannot control whether or not you get sick from a defective or contaminated product, you can control what you do if you are sickened or injured. A skilled Syracuse product liability attorney can assess the merits of your foodborne illness case and determine the best course of action. Not every case is compensable under the law, but speaking with a lawyer is the only way to find out if you have any legal recourse.

To discuss your case or concerns with an accomplished personal injury and products liability attorney, contact Bottar Law, PLLC at (315) 422-3466, (800) 336-LAWS, or by e-mail at

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